Sunday, February 24, 2013

Inspirational Thoughts

Hope everyone had a great weekend. 
Ray and I had a conversation that inspired tonight's post.

There are times in life when you stop, reflect and ask...

"What have I accomplished?"
"What do I still want to accomplish?"
"What do I want to change or improve?"

You get the point. 
Have you ever done this? 
I think it is healthy to contemplate these things from time to time. 

Invest your time in things that are really important and lasting. 
Don't waste time on things that will not matter down the road.

We only have one life to live and it goes by so fast.

A wise man once said...
"Plan as if you are going to live forever.  Live as if this was your last day."

Make this a truly meaningful week.

1 comment:

  1. Lately, today especially, I have been really thinking on the past and things I regret. I can't change any of them now, so I need to do more of what you are talking about and make the "here and now" the best that I can. Good thoughts and pretty picture! Did Ray take that?
