Sunday, February 15, 2015

Wedding Anniversary

Twelve years ago today I married the love of my life.
I am so very thankful for a good husband.
"We've been together a long time now.
We've laughed and cried
and seen each other through
our best and worst
and everything in between.
Today, when I look at you,
I feel even more love
than I've ever felt before.
I ask for nothing more
than to spend all the rest
of my life with you."
I love you with all my heart!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Invalids

We truly are a sorry bunch around here this week.
Hubby had a restless night Saturday night and
ended up in the ER early Sunday morning with a
 severe case of stomach virus and dehydration. 
Sunday was spent taking care of him and
trying to get caught up on some sleep. 
Monday there was a little improvement but still a day of lounging.  Monday late afternoon as I was trying to fix him
something to eat since he was finally hungry,
I burnt my hand really bad with hot grease. 
Of course it had to be my right hand too.  It hurt so bad!! 
Monday night was a restless night for me
partly because my hand felt like it was on fire and
partly because by early morning I was getting what he had. 
So the roles have reversed. 
He is slowly on the mend and now taking care of me. 
Hope we are better by the weekend!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Clutter Be Gone

Perhaps it is an early onset of Spring fever
but I am ready for some major
While I am one who loves a good, big snow storm...
the weather we have been having makes me eager for spring.
I am sitting here wanting to take the house apart...
top to bottom, side to side, inside and out. 
Clean out, re-do, then put it back together.  

I get these urges from time to time and
it is senseless to fight it. 
So the plan is to go through the house
little by little and do just that.

Create three groups/piles...
throw away, donate, and sell.
Clutter drives me crazy and
after awhile I just can't take it any more. 
It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate over time. 

Feel overwhelmed or think you just don't have the time. 
Everyday you can accomplish something. 

Throw away the junk mail as soon as in comes through the door. 
File the bills and statements.

Did you go shopping? 
Put the items away as soon as you get home.

Clean out that kitchen drawer that catches everything
while you are cooking dinner. 

Putting laundry away? 
Take just a few extra minutes to straighten and
organize the closet or cabinet.
On and on we could go.

Take it one spot at a time and stick with it until it is done. 
It is easy to become distracted.  You are working on an area and find something that belongs in another room.  So you go to put it away and next thing you know you find a bunch of stuff to work on in that room.  However you haven't finished either job.  If you do find something that belongs elsewhere then simply lay it aside until you are done with the current task.  Then go and put it away. 

My mission this week...
Clutter Be Gone!!