Normally not an exciting or interesting topic
however this time, we are very excited!
We have been waiting so long to get one.
We had gotten a couple estimates, one being $8,000!!
Granted it is a very long sidewalk
however I wasn't going to spend that kind of money.
So we waited and kept putting it off.
Until this year and we said enough,
we are getting a sidewalk even if we have to do it ourselves.
You could say it is "homemade" and not professional
but it is functional and we are happy.
It was a lot of work for Ray and
he was exhausted and very sore afterwards.
He bought some strong weed and grass killer a week or two prior.
I think he got a little carried away with that. haha
When I called to order the sand,
they suggested that we use stone dust instead.
So since they were the professionals, we took their advice.
Thankfully some friends showed up to help out.
It was kind of funny. One person would show up and say I can help for a couple hours then I need to leave. Then later on, someone else would come along and say the same thing.
So help came in shifts.
We need to come up with something to do for edging.
Our wonderful neighbor, Bill, after working all morning long on another job, showed up to help finish. He was also a big help in lending tools for the job. Thanks Bill!
We had several drenching rains last week which caused us to notice a couple draining issues. It will take some time for it to all settle into place. However it was so nice to walk on a sidewalk instead of wet grass and get your shoes muddy!
Thanks to everyone who helped out!