Saturday, October 19, 2013


Hello there.  Sorry I have been slacking the past few days or is it weeks.  Anyways, I came across something on pinterest today that I wanted to share. 

We all know that life has it's ups and downs.  This past week has been one of those down times.  I've been reminding myself that you have to encourage yourself at times which isn't always easy.  That's life.

Anyways I came across this quote and thought 'that was just for me'.

Surrender to what is.
Let go of what was.
Have faith in what will be.
(Sonia Ricotti)

Hope you get something good out of that as I did.
On another note, I finished my fall decorating a while back but just haven't gotten around to posting pictures.  I will try to work on that this coming week.  So be sure to check back for those. 

Have a great weekend, what is left of it.

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