Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I'm Back!

Don't you just love that title?
Let's put it this way,
my body is back however
my brain is taking the long way home.
I am really having a hard time getting
back into a regular daily routine. 
We did have a good time. 
It was a little different at times.
We learned of a couple deaths while we were gone, which is always sad.  I went off and forgot my cellphone, the Internet service was so slow Ray finally gave up on his school work and said he would deal with it when he got back. 

However, over all it was a good time.
We ate and ate and ate. 
Of course it was all the bad stuff. 
We had pies, cookies, donuts, and ice cream. 
I cooked breakfast most of the mornings. 
That's only a weekend thing when we are home. 
There was crab, shrimp, lobster, and more crab.  Yum!
Ray did some grilling as well. 

I told him, this is vacation...enjoy. 
However, when we get home our bodies and finances are going on a strict diet.  (that's never fun!)

The last night we were there, I bought us both little containers of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.  So we were sitting on the couch that night eating our ice cream out of the containers. 
Ray looked at me and said, "we look like a couple kids."

Like I said, good times.
We were gone for about 9-10 days I believe. 
When we got back and were driving down our road, we noticed some changes in the neighborhood.  Ray looked at me and said,
 "how long were we really gone?"
In some ways it was a good while and in other ways it wasn't long enough. 

Ray took a lot of pictures last year but only a few this year. 
I think he was just enjoying his free time. 

I don't have any of the pictures on my laptop but
I will try to post some later.  Check back for those. 

I will try to get you some recipes soon. 
I noticed I haven't posted any in a while. 
Well, enjoy your Tuesday!

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